✨ Ready for an UPGRADE, feeling at a cross roads, and looking for the next step to take?

✨Do you have a deep felt sense of purpose but are finding the things you have done in the past are no longer creating the deepest transformation you desire?

Are you aware that the same deep rooted patterns and fears keep you from serving your purpose in the most powerful way, keeping you from Being seen as the Divine Feminine you are?

Many of these patterns are rooted in our humanness and so the key to transcendence is to reprogram our energy at a cellular level.



The flight, flight, or freeze response will keep you from feeling comfortable in your own skin and the BEing visible as the powerful CREATRIX / CREATOR (leader, healer, teacher, entrepreneur) you are. It is safe to come out of the shadows!


Societal programming and sexual trauma in the collective and self has left many women and men with poor body image, low self esteem, and low standards in relationships.

How can you embody your power if deeper down you are ashamed of your body? When you have a better relationship with yourself you will have better relationships with others.


Are you ready to expand and sense a connection to Spirit/God beyond what you conditioned to? Are you called to serve spiritually in a deeper way?

In order to do that you must embrace your divinity on a cellular level. Embody the Divine Healer in you. Speak your Truth!

Passion | Power| Purpose

When you are embodied you exude Passion, Power, & Purpose!

With these inner qualities fully activated you will be able to serve in the way your soul call you too,

No more day to day drudgery and overwhelm.

Step into the extraordinary.

There is a Goddess within YOU.

It's time to embody Her!


Embody your

Higher Self

You have a Passion

When you feel safe in your body, when you LOVE your body, you embody passion.


Release past Trauma

You have Power!

You are the One! You are the One who is going to end the cycle of blame and shame for your lineage. All the ancestors past and 7 generations down the line. GET IT!


Be Recognized

and Valued

You have a unique Purpose!

You have a Divine Birthright to be Happy, Healthy, and Free.


7 figure CEO & Mom of 2

Lynn helped me move through that and clear the blocks and helped me gain some confidence and clarity about the next steps I wanted to take in terms of my future. I can now express my truth authentically and I feel more calm and centered when I'm faced with a challenging dynamic.


Healer & Mom of 4

I began to see relationships with my children changing. One word answers turned into sentences and pretty soon conversations. Lynn's program is a very authentic and holistic process that really opened up space for my children to come and be their authentic selves. I know this work will also transform the relationship with my future grandchildren!


Soulpreneur & Mom of 1

Applying my own medicine to myself has been a challenge. Now I am so much more myself and excited about what the possibilities are. I feel more connected to spirit and I have a greater sense alignment with my purpose in a more specific way than I had been. Lynn's work is exactly channeled for you exactly based on your life story.

Meet Your Guide: Lynn

Lynn Gravatt, a Spiritual Guide and Quantum Coach, is the creator of the Goddess Embodiment Method (GEM). After obtaining a Master’s Degree and woking as a corporate Aerospace Engineer with Honeywell, NASA, and Boeing, a spiritual awakening inspired her to fully live her purpose.

She merges a technical background with profound spiritual insights and technologies to guide other scientifically minded individuals in aligning their Divine Purpose within the often disconnected corporate world.

She supports her clients in:

✓ Relieving mental stress, doubt, anxiety, and burnout and fostering a deeply felt sense of purpose and joy.

✓ Establishing for authenticity, self-care, and boundary-setting in professional and personal realms.

✓ Receiving clarity in defining and realizing diverse goals.

With over 15 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars dedicated to spiritual growth, she's a Kundalini Reiki Master, has immersed herself in deep purification rituals, multiple silent meditation retreats and was further enriched by six months in Peru's Sacred Valley.

Beyond her academic and spiritual endeavors, Lynn holds multiple somatic movement certifications and dazzles as a Dancer / Fire Spinner / Divine Creatrix and somatic movement specialist.

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