Are you ready to access higher states of consciousness so you can experience groundbreaking innovations in your career?

You CAN even if you have little time and don’t know where to start.

Do you want to a take a QUANTUM LEAP in your career and SKYROCKET your personal power and potential?

How would your life be different… if you could:

✨ Tap into the universe's knowledge, unlocking cosmic innovation

and creativity, and redefining what's possible in your field.

✨ Harness quantum consciousness to shape future technologies and

lead breakthroughs once thought only possible in science fiction

✨ Master intuition guided by higher intelligence, elevating your

scientific impact and decision-making prowess.

✨ Align your insights with scientific understanding, creating a blend

of innovation and wisdom that propels your career to new heights

But how? You've done everything right. You have all the things. But something still isn't right!

It's not your fault!

You were sold a lie called “The American Dream”.

You were sold capitalism.

You were taught that happiness come from the outside material world - from degrees, money, houses, cars, etc.

You were lied to.

The Truth is the happiness and a felt sense of purpose is an inside job that no amount of money, accolades, or material possessions will fulfill.

I know!

Back in 2008 I had everything I thought was supposed to bring me that feeling of happy contentment, peace, whatever it is that the American Dream promised!

✅ Stable Homeownership: I owned a condo in the trendy Fremont neighborhood in Seattle.

✅ Advanced Degree: I had a Master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering,

✅ Leading Edge Work: I got to work on exciting projects with companies companies like NASA, Honeywell, and Boeing.

✅ Supportive Relationships: I had a strong community of like-minded friends and a family that were proud of me

And still I woke up with a sinking feeling and heavy thought,

“Only 30 years until I can retire”

Luckily, my Spirit wouldn't allow me to settle.

I had a higher calling, I WAS meant for more!

I took a leap of faith into my own Heroine’s journey so that I could emerge as a guide as you enter into your own awakening.

For over 15 years I have been on a spiritual deep dive with the purpose of creating a program that will give you the Mind-Body-Spirit upgrade that will awaken a deeper sense of Power, Passion, and Purpose in your life.

That is why I created the Atomic Power Process!

The Atomic Power Process is rooted in contemporary physics, advances energy work processes, and neuroscientific research, designed to:

✨ Elevate your thinking process, integrating concepts like non-local reality to foster innovation.

✨ Enhance decision-making abilities, leveraging insights from neuroscience to improve cognitive functions.

✨ Transform leadership style, drawing from quantum mechanics principles like the observer effect.

✨ Boost creativity by accessing altered states of consciousness, proven to increase neural connectivity.

✨ Develop resilience against industry shifts, guided by mindfulness practices.

✨ Improve team collaboration, applying principles of quantum entanglement.

Unlike most online personal and professional growth programs the Atomic Power gets to the ROOT energetics in a done-for-you process that goes beyond strategies and techniques to address your deeper, holistic needs.

Atomic Power is a transformative process

where true change emanates from within.

'Atomic', in this context, stands not just for the foundational elements of transformation but also for the immense power embedded in these building blocks.

It’s here that your personal and professional growth is ignited, driven by the powerful force of subtle, yet impactful shifts.

Imagine tiny changes in your mindset and energy field sparking monumental transformations, unleashing a force of change in every aspect of your life.

This is the power of Atomic transformation – a series of small, potent energetic adjustments that lead to groundbreaking outcomes in your career, your relationships, and your overall wellness.

In just 8 weeks, harness this power to dive deep into the core of your challenges and aspirations.

Reignite balance in your life, forge deeper, more meaningful connections, and realign with your true purpose.

This process is for you if you:

STEM professionals seeking to integrate innovative thinking into their work.

Leaders and influencers aspiring to transform their leadership style.

Individuals aiming for a harmonious balance between personal and professional life.

Those looking to deepen connections and improve communication with peers and loved ones.

Anyone ready to align with their true purpose and make a lasting impact.

This process is not for you if:

❌ Deep down you really don’t want to change

❌ You are overly skeptical of scientifically proven energy healing techniques

❌ You are not ready to dive in and change what isn’t serving you

❌ You are impatient and expect transformation without taking action

❌ You can not commit 2 hours a week to your personal and professional growth

Each week will focus on a energetic themes for a total mind-body-spirit upgrade.

Week 1: Root Energy Center

Upgrade your energy around family, career, money/scarcity, safety, ancestors

Week 2: Sacral Energy Center

Upgrade your energy around power, intimacy, creativity, sensuality, weight, addiction

Week 3: Solar Plexus Energy Center

Upgrade your energy around confidence, ego, self worth, visibility, Divine Self, I Am

Week 4: Heart Energy Center

Upgrade your energy around self love, balance, universal love, unconditional love

Week 5: Throat Energy Center

Upgrade your energy around self expression, communication. speech, visibility

Week 6: Third Eye Energy Center

Upgrade your energy around vision, intuition, spirit guides, dreams, focus, knowing

Week 7: Crown Energy Center

Upgrade your energy around faith, trust, truth, Highest Self, Creator/God

Week 8: Celebration and Integration

You are officially UPGRADED!

BONUS: Atomic Mind Mastery Accelerator

Get a jump on reprogramming your mind with a collection of audios designed to get into your subconscious and unlock your highest potential. Through the use of voice guidance, crystal bowls, and binaural beats. Each audio is less than 15 mins and you will leave every one feeling more clear, aligned, and ready to take on the world!

BONUS: Sweet Sundance Medicine Wheel Training

Learn how to connect to Earths Elements (Air, Fire, Water, Earth), Kingdoms (Animal, Human, Plant, Mineral) and Directions (N, E, S, W) as taught by the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path. These teachings are some of the oldest on the planet and in the public domain. I humbly offer this training with my flair with permission from the shaman and teacher, an elder and pipe carrier on this path.

BONUS: A Scientific Guide to the 7 Chakras

Elevate your journey in the "Atomic Power" program with the bonus PDF Guide to the chakras. This concise guide bridges scientific principles with the ancient chakra system, offering insights into harmonizing your energy for enhanced focus and creativity. Discover how each chakra aligns with scientific phenomena, enriching both your personal and professional growth. Perfect for those seeking a unique blend of science and spirituality in their self-development journey.

What Clients are saying:


CEO & Mom of 2

Lynn helped me move through that and clear the blocks and helped me gain some confidence and clarity about the next steps I wanted to take in terms of my future. I can now express my truth authentically and I feel more calm and centered when I'm faced with a challenging dynamic.


Healer & Mom of 4

I began to see relationships with my children changing. One word answers turned into sentences and pretty soon conversations. Lynn's program is a very authentic and holistic process that really opened up space for my children to come and be their authentic selves. I know this work will also transform the relationship with my future grandchildren!


Soulpreneur & Mom of 1

Applying my own medicine to myself has been a challenge. Now I am so much more myself and excited about what the possibilities are. I feel more connected to spirit and I have a greater sense alignment with my purpose in a more specific way than I had been. Lynn's work is exactly channeled for you exactly based on your life story.

What you will get:

⚛️ 8 LIVE* Trainings + Replays on the body's energy system

⚛️ 8 LIVE energy healing ceremonies + Replays

⚛️ LIFETIME ACCESS to replays of all session

🚀 BONUS: Lynn's Mind Mastery Accelerator

🚀 BONUS: Sweet Sundance Medicine Wheel Training

🚀 BONUS: The Scientific Guide to the 7 Chakras

* Live sessions will be Thursdays 1/4 - 2/22 at 9am PST /12pm EST

Replay will be available the same day.

Atomic Power 8 Week Energy Upgrade:

1 payment of


This BETA run of Atomic Power is being recorded for future use.

Winter 24 is the only time this program will be offer LIVE at this price!

Atomic Power 8 Week Energy Upgrade:

4 payments of


$197 now and 3 more payments (every 2 weeks) of $197!

About Lynn

Lynn Gravatt, a Spiritual Guide and Quantum Coach, is the creator of the Goddess Embodiment Method (GEM). After obtaining a Master’s Degree and woking as a corporate Aerospace Engineer with Honeywell, NASA, and Boeing, a spiritual awakening inspired her to fully live her purpose.

She merges a technical background with profound spiritual insights and technologies to guide other scientifically minded individuals in aligning their Divine Purpose within the often disconnected corporate world.

She supports her clients in:

✓ Relieving mental stress, doubt, anxiety, and burnout and fostering a deeply felt sense of purpose and joy.

✓ Establishing for authenticity, self-care, and boundary-setting in professional and personal realms.

✓ Receiving clarity in defining and realizing diverse goals.

With over 15 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars dedicated to spiritual growth, she's a Kundalini Reiki Master, has immersed herself in deep purification rituals, multiple silent meditation retreats and was further enriched by six months in Peru's Sacred Valley.

Beyond her academic and spiritual endeavors, Lynn holds multiple somatic movement certifications and dazzles as a Dancer / Fire Spinner / Divine Creatrix and somatic movement specialist.

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All Rights Reserved.
